Content Writing Client Questionnaire



What services do your clients/prospects most want and need?

What are the core strengths of your organization?

How do people feel after they use your services? *

What are your customers trying to accomplish by using your products/services? *

Describe your typical customer (needs, desires, preferences, fears, pain, etc.). *

Who is your competition? (please list at least 3-5 competitors) *

What sets your company apart from others in your industry? Is there a unique aspect to your company that you could use as a point of differentiation? *

Do you have an existing tagline, slogan or brand statement? If not, would you like to create one. *

How do prospects find you? *

What are the central keywords/trigger words that prospects might use to find you online? (I.e. what words would your target audience use to describe the key products/services/information you provide?) *